14 Jan, 2020

Backstage with Christy Havard, Director of Production: Fly System Rehab

By |Jan 14, 2020|Behind the Scenes|Comments Off on Backstage with Christy Havard, Director of Production: Fly System Rehab

When I started here at The Purchase PAC back in the 2004-2005 season , most of our counterweight fly systems still had manila (hemp) hand lines in their operating system and hemp for the breasting / pick lines. Over the [...]

10 May, 2018

Seth Soloway Announced As The New Director of The PAC

By |May 10, 2018|Center News|Comments Off on Seth Soloway Announced As The New Director of The PAC

On Saturday, May 5, Purchase College President Thomas J. Schwarz officially announced the appointment of Seth Soloway, who has excelled as Interim Director for the past two years, as the Director of The Performing Arts Center, Purchase College. Received with [...]