Purchase PAC

20 Feb, 2020

Five Questions for “Air Play” creator Christina Gelsone

By |Feb 20, 2020|2019-2020 Season|Comments Off on Five Questions for “Air Play” creator Christina Gelsone

Christina Gelsone, creator and performer of Air Play, took some time out of her busy schedule (via email, from hot, wet, monsoon season in Singapore!) to answer a few questions about this circus-meets-science performance that is heading to The Purchase [...]

5 Feb, 2020

Sometimes Dressing Rooms are Not Just for Dressing…

By |Feb 5, 2020|Behind the Scenes|Comments Off on Sometimes Dressing Rooms are Not Just for Dressing…

Backstage with Christy Havard, Director of Production As we all know dressing rooms are for actors, dancers, and all other artists to change into their costumes, study their lines, shower, rest and relax between scenes or pieces. Well, I thought [...]

30 Apr, 2019

5 Questions for CMS of Lincoln Center

By |Apr 30, 2019|2018-2019 Season|Comments Off on 5 Questions for CMS of Lincoln Center

On May 4th at The PAC, The Chamber Music Society of Lincoln Center will be performing Deeply Inspired. This music comes from a composer's most personal space creating an emotional packed night of classical music. In preparation for such a [...]

13 Feb, 2019

Five Questions for Aspen Santa Fe Ballet

By |Feb 13, 2019|2018-2019 Season|Comments Off on Five Questions for Aspen Santa Fe Ballet

Unfortunately, due some crazy weather out in Colorado, Aspen Santa Fe Ballet's spring tour will NOT be stopping here at The Purchase PAC. But this is still fun to read! Company member Samantha Klanac Campanile, an alumna of Purchase College, [...]

13 Feb, 2019

Five Questions for Trusty Sidekick Theater Company

By |Feb 13, 2019|2018-2019 Season|Comments Off on Five Questions for Trusty Sidekick Theater Company

Have you ever wondered what happens to your shadow while you sleep? We asked Drew Petersen, artistic director and co-creator of Shadow Play, some questions about Trusty Sidekick Theater Company and its performances, especially Shadow Play, which you'll be able to [...]

7 Feb, 2019

Five Questions for Robin Spielberg

By |Feb 7, 2019|2018-2019 Season, Uncategorized|Comments Off on Five Questions for Robin Spielberg

Treat your Valentine to a romantic evening of music and fine dining with Steinway Artist Robin Spielberg at the Performing Arts Center on February 16th! We asked Robin Spielberg a few questions about the show, her music, and what she [...]